Monday, September 24, 2012

Test continues

7:30am---1408, a&p, & chemistry all were testing at the same time this morning. Bad part, I was the only to give three test at the same time. Fortunately, help arrived and scheduling changes allowed everything in the chaos to workout.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Testing week

This is the time in the semester where my students are very stress. Testing is occuring in several of their classes. I told several of my student today that the reason all of your courses have their tests and papers due on the same day is the SSC. If you never heard of the SSC just ask me in class.

Don't forget to study for biology.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

week 2

In between the holiday, innstructional counsel meeting, and KC kickoff. I was able to get 4 pages of apps for bio/chemistry ready for review by the biology and chemistry departments.
If they approve, I will post these for everyone to use.